H5S R11.5 RELEASED WITH RTC video push(H.264 VP9)


11.5 0615
1. Fix WebRTC Cloud mode/Relay mode/TURN server configuration not correct issue.
2. Add DH DSS support.
3. Fix some linkweb mode issue.
4. Change conference API parameter name to user.
5. Add conference connect parameter videoin/resolution/audioin/. 
6. Add H264 support for RTCPush.
7. Add VP9 support for RTCPush.
8. Fix Linkweb transcoding issues. 
9. Remove GB28281 y= parameter for JINGYI.
10.h5sconsole UI default language use 简体中文.

H5S R11.2 RELEASED WITH control center support


11.2 0420 2020
1. Add default GetPresets list when the device don't support GetPresets
2. Add User/Role managerment support.
3. Add a Control center dashboard page.
4. Add PTZ focusin/focusout/irisin/irisout/upright/upleft/downright/downleft action.
5. Fix HIK SDK Get AAC audio config but don't have AAC audio issue.
6. Enable H.264 to H.264 transcoding support.
7. Fix server pb can't stop issue and server playback end event.
8. Remove /api/resource/v1/regions/root from ISC integration.


H5S R11.0 RELEASED WITH GPU transcoding and WeChat Scan support


11.0 0309 2020
1. Spilt GPU transcoding to standalone process.
2. Add NVIDIA multi GPU transcoding support.
3. Add transcoding profile operation API.
4. Add transcoding profile operation UI.
5. Add transcoding scale support.
6. Add GPU list and encode decode usage in dashboard.
7. Add SW(CPU) transcoding for Loogson and ARMv8.
8.Fix serverpb mode don't have Audio issue.
9.Fix RTMP push don't have audio issue.
10.Fix video conference audio echo issue.
11.Add HIK SDK audio intercom.

h5s r10.4 released with Hik ISC/Tiandy/Video Conference support


10.4 0110 2020
1.Select main stream when there has no sub stream such as GB28181 and RTSP.
2.Add 监控点 configuration UI and API.
3.Add HikVISION iSecure Center platform integration support.
4.Add GB28181 SSRC check item, default disable SSRC check.
5.Change GB28181 default keepalive timeout from 120s to 7200s.
6.Change cloud default keepalive from 3s to 15s.
7.Add GB28181 reboot and refresh API.
8.Add DHSDK record search support.
9.Fix DHSDK playback ts update not correct issue.
10.Default load all channel for SDK.

h5s r10.1 released with liveview ui updated

h5s r10.1 released with liveview ui updated

10.3 1215 2019
1.Add cloud keepalive time interval configuration in cloud conf, default is 3s.
2.Add cloud mode playback from Device SDK support.
3.Add GB platform parameter check. 
4.Add GB platform configuration on the fly support.
5.Fix HIK/DH SDK reconnect device online not correct issue.
6.Update kernel.pid_max in the Linux Performance setting.
7.Update live view UI.
8.Add GB28181 bEnableCascade configuration item.

h5s r10.0 released with Loongson KunPeng CPU Support


10.0 1105 2019
1. Add GB28181 up register to GB28181 platform.
2. Optimize GB28181 PS stream parse performance.
3. Add GB28181 configuration page in h5sconsole.
4. Update h5sconsole setting page.
5. Add watermark in h5sconsole page.
6. Add KunPeng armv8 support. 
7. Add phytium  armv8 support.
8. Add loongson3 support.
9. Add advance playback timeline support in h5sconsole.
10. Remove DAHUA SDK offline camera.
11. Add DAHUASDK H.265 support.
12. Add GB28181 H265 support is GB28181 device support.

h5s r9.8 released support audio intercomm and HIKSDK event


9.8 0923 2019
1. Add playback page in h5sconsole.
2. Add snapshot page in h5sconsole.
3. Add event page in h5sconsole.
4. If GB28181 device name size is 0, user GBID as device name. 
5. Add GB28181 SearchRecord support, and user can playback/archive in h5sconsole.
6. Fix Archive speed > 1.0 don't have audio issue.
7. Add html5 local storage for WS/RTC in webui.
8. Add HIK SDK motion event support.
9. Optimize AAC encoder for Video & Audio sync for mp4 record file.