News & Blog

h5s r9.1 released with Device SDK video search support

9.1 0618 2019
1. Change 无视频信号(NO VIDEO) to small size.
2. Fix GB28181 some public network sip message crash issue.
3. Fix sometime HIKVISION SDK User ID USERNOTEXIST issue.
4. RTSP RTMP server on demand streaming support.
5. RTSP RTMP server support Device SDK.
6. Support mediastore path setting.
7. Add GB28181 G711 Audio support.
8. Add getonline option for the GetDevice and GetSrc to ignore the online status.
9. Add SearchDeviceRecordByTime for HIKVISION SDK device.

H5s r8.5 released with WebRTC GB28181 port range support

8.5 0529 2019
1. Add all DAHUA channel of NVR without check online/offline.
2. Fix HIKVISION/DAHUA SDK playback start multi crash issue.
3. Add WebRTC port range support.
4. Add GB28181 port range support.
5. Don't allow DelSrc delete GB channel/Device SDK channel.
6. Add Device Add/Del in H5S Console.
7. Add RTSP online check by Option when running ON DEMAND mode.